March 02, 2010

Let the Hijinks & Lowjinks Begin

The home Internet is out for the second day (thanks, Mediacom), so no pithy or insightful blog post for y'all today. Which is too bad, as I had a great post about Zoroastrian influences on Jewish eschatology all set to thrill and inspire the masses. Oh well!

In any event, I am less than 20 hours from touchdown in Vegas for IMOP-V. Wednesday night I will be hanging with other early arrivers including Santa, Lucky, and River Joe. Thursday night marks official IMOP kickoff, with a pledge test and hazing of the newbies as we welcome them to the IMOP brotherhood. Santa and I are planning to hit up Hard Rock Thursday night pre-opening ceremonies for the PLG/NLHE mix game and maybe dinner at Nobu.

I will attempt a few posts from the road, but your regularly scheduled blogging will be on hiatus until the IMOP World Curling Championship concludes.

(Can't wait to see how many Google searches for "Zoroastrian Curling Eschatology" land here!)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do!

  2. Have a great time! Sorry I won't get to take your chips this trip :-P
